Saipan Hawleys

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Welcome to the Saipan Hawley Blog. I believe I am slowly (very slowly) getting the hang of this thing. I have posted a few photos and journaling to go along with the photos (or at least I THOUGHT it was matching up with the appropriate photos) ... please understand that this is my very first experience with this whole Blog thing and they are a bit messed up. I didn't have the heart to erase them and start all over as you can imagine my time is a bit limited! So hopefully from here-on-out things will be in a much more organized order and you will enjoy seeing pictures of our family and island life as much as I will enjoy posting them! (right now I wouldn't say 'enjoy' is the word I would choose to describe learning how to manuver around between Picasa and Blogspot). Wish me luck and check us out from time to time...who knows, I may actually impress you with my Bloggin' abilities! Love, the Saipan Hawleys
p.s. this picture was taken at Grami and Bapa's this summer...boy did those kids love those bikes! Posted by Picasa

More Sarigan Pictures!

Here are some of the fish that were caught to feed the hungry crowd!

The next picture really shows how steep the island is and how difficult is was to get to all the necessary transects.

The third picture is of the Boat used to transport the people and supplies and the helicopter above it.

Life on the boat! Posted by Picasa

I thought I would start this blog by backing up a bit and sharing a few pictures from some main events this past spring. I am hoping to use this to share pictures and stories about our life here in Saipan and our travels abroad. We have lived here for over 5 years now and I feel that so many of our friends and family are at a loss of what it is really like for us here. Our good friend Haldre spent last night setting showing me how to set this up and i am excited to give it a try! So bear with me as i expore the new world of 'blog'!

These two pictures are of Tayah's graduation from Kindergarten at the International School. The theme was 'Over the Rainbow' (which they sang for the audience). The whole graduation was very well done and was a great stepping stone into First Grade.
Tayah started First Grade three days after we returned from our summer in the was a quick transition and went very smoothly (I must say that I was holding my breath a bit as I know that in the past Tayah has had trouble with transitions and unfamiliar situations). She seems to really love school and even does her homework with confidence.
Max started K4 this year at the International School as well. For the first time he is showing an interest in writing and art work...I think that we will see hugh strides in Max this school year!

These next pictures are of Nate's great spring adventure to one of the Mariana's northern uninhabited islands. Nate, and fellow biologists, took a boat about 12 hours north to the island of Sarigan. Sarigan is a VERY steep and unforgiving island and they used smaller boats and a helicopter to get to and around the island. Then they spent the next two weeks hiking or being airlifted around to their various sites. Nate said that it was a great experience but also truly exhausting! There were some spot that were great for snorkeling and fishing from shore, and the water quality was spectacular. This next picture is of the makeshift smoker they made for drying and smoking the fish that were caught.
 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Uncle Nick and the kids in Door County

just learning how to blog...more pictures to come! We can't wait to see you at Christmas Uncle Nick! Good luck in Thailand! Posted by Picasa